There are many tips out there to help you learn how to build muscle. However not all the tips out there on the internet will be the right tips for you, so you need to make sure the tips are geared for the hardgainer body style. The knowledge of these muscle building tips are worthless unless you begin to put them into practice. I will go through three of these muscle building tips that I think are significant when it comes to your muscle building goals.
Muscle Building Tip #1
If you are a hardgainer you should make certain that you are working out properly for your somatotype. This entails not listening to the suggestions from the professional bodybuilders, unless of course you have a mesomorphic body type and are on the juice. If you have an ectomorphic body type then you should seek to learn from people that used to be skinny but have learned how to pack on muscle to their skinny frames. If you are taking the advise of the muscle magazines this will most likely take you down the wrong path to injury and little to no gains in muscle mass.
You own a unique body composition, yet there are individuals that have ones similar to yours, but most likely no one has the same exact composition as you. When it comes down to achieving your goals to build muscle, you have to realize that your unique body makeup does make you your own best teacher. A thing that works for someone else may not have the same results when you try it. That doesn’t mean their advise was wrong, it just means your body did not respond the same as theirs did. However, each classification of the body types have some similar aspects to each one that you should understand. Whether it is dealing with training or nutrition, you should first figure out which body style you most likely fit into and then take it from there.
Muscle Building Tip #2
If you want to gain the most muscle in the shortest amount of time, I recommend using mainly compound exercises with heavy weight. In order to get your muscles to grow you have to give them a reason to want to grow. Compound exercises are more natural movements using multiple joints and muscle groups. This combined with using heavy weights and high intensity will send signals to your body that it needs to grow in order to handle all this stress you keep putting upon it.
The key is to track your progress and constantly strive to beat the amount of reps or weight you achieved the previous workout, the last time you performed that exercise. Over time as you consistently go up in reps and weight, your body will began to consistently grow in strength and muscle mass.
Muscle Building Tip #3
Get plenty of rest, sleep and practice recovery methods. Weight lifting puts massive amounts of stress on the body and muscles. Sleep is then required for the actual growth and repairing of the muscles. Unless you are getting enough sleep, the amount of progress in building muscle are going to be very small.
Practicing proper recovery methods are also crucial. Bodybuilding has a tendency to cause your muscles to constrict. This can contribute to problems, unless you focus on performing the correct recovery techniques to neutralize this tightening of the muscles. The best ways to go about this is to either get a deep tissue massage, or buy a foam roller. Deep tissue massages and foam rollers make your muscles more pliable and help loosen them up. Following the massage or foam rolling sessions, you then need to focus on doing some stretching. Stretching supports in lengthening the muscles back to where they should be. You should be doing at least as much stretching as you are doing lifting, if not more.
Wrap Up
Hope these 3 muscle building tips helped you out. Trust me there are many more tips for helping you achieve muscle, but I felt that these 3 are pretty high up on the scale of importance. The best thing to do is read as much as you can about nutrition and muscle building so you can have a complete picture of what needs to be done in order for you to achieve those massive gains that you are aiming to reach.